Photos of Larry Mottinger Ingram

(Back L to R): Joe, Alice, Roger, Mary, Eleanor.
(Front L to R): Larry, Tom, Jack, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth and Larry Ingram

Larry Ingram

Larry Ingram

Larry Ingram

Larry Mottinger Ingram Apr 8 1958

(L to R) Jack, Larry, Joe, Tom, Roger Ingram

(L to R) Juniata, Larry, Horace G Ingram

Alice, Mary, Eleanor, Roger, Elizabeth, Larry, Jack, Joe, Tom at Ingram house in Arden NC

Ingram family. (L to R) Jack, Eleanor, Roger, Alice, Mary, Juniata, Elizabeth, Joe, Larry, Tom at Ingram house in Arden, NC after the death of Horace G Ingram.

(L to R) Steve Herzberg and Larry Ingram Apr 18 1993

Larry Mottinger Ingram in Alaska 1996

Larry Ingram

Larry Ingram