Photos of William Joel Ingram

(L to R) Tom, Jack, Joe Ingram

Joe and Eleanor Ingram

Joe and Eleanor Ingram

(L to R) Joe, Elizabeth, Mary Ingram

(L to R) Tom, Joe, Jack Ingram

Joe Ingram USN photo 1952

Joe Ingram back row second from left. USN pistol team.

Joe Ingram Subic Bay, Philippines 1953

Joe Ingram

Joe Ingram near Baguio Phillipines with a Japanese tank 1954

Joe Ingram Camp John Hay Bagio Philipines 1954

Joe Ingram

Joe Ingram Guam 1955 with his 1936 Ford

Joe Ingram on right

(L to R) Jack, Larry, Joe, Tom, Roger Ingram

Helen Stark and Joe Ingram Milwaukee 1960

Joe Ingram

Helen and Joe Ingram at the house in Mill Spring that Joel was born in July 1966

Joe Ingram

Alice, Mary, Eleanor, Roger, Elizabeth, Larry, Jack, Joe, Tom at Ingram house in Arden NC

(L to R) Joe and Jack Ingram

(L to R) Juniata, William Joel, Helen Stark Ingram

Juniata and Joe Ingram Aug 1992

(L to R) Jack, Roger, Joe, Eleanor, Larry Ingram at Ingram house in Arden NC Apr 18 1993

(L to R) Jack, Larry, Joe, Roger, and Eleanor Ingram at Ingram house in Arden NC Apr 18 1993

(L to R) Jack, Roger, Joe, unkn, Eleanor, Larry, Juniata Ingram at Ingram house in Arden NC Apr 18 1993

Joe Ingram and Barbara Voorheis (McIntyre) Jun 1997

Joe Ingram

Joe Ingram

Joe Ingram

Joe Ingram

Joe Ingram Mar 24 2013

Joe Ingram

Joe Ingram at a family reunion June 2022